Farine molite a pietra en 2022-09-07T11:45:17+00:00


For our ancient Sicilian wheat varieties we adopted the traditional technique of natural-stone milling, at low rpm and
at room temperature, which preserves the seed germ intact.

As a result, we obtain a product of higher quality, which naturally enhances the organoleptic features of the different
varieties, keeping the nutritional profile undamaged.

From stone milling we obtain different types of product:

La semola integrale di grano duro

The whole-wheat flour (Russello)
La semola di grano duro

The semolina (Russello)
La semola integrale di grano duro

The whole-wheat flour (Timilia)
La semola di grano duro

The semolina (Timilia)
  • The whole-wheat flour: it is the whole flour that comes directly from the milling of the wheat, without separation of the bran.

  • The semolina: it is the tumbled flour, which is obtained by sifting the whole flour, to remove part of the bran.

La farina di grano tenero tipo 2

Type 2 soft wheat flour (Maiorca)
La farina di grano tenero tipo 1

Type 1 soft wheat flour (Maiorca)
  • Type 2 soft wheat flour: it is obtained from the grinding of Maiorca soft wheat, with a minimum removal of the bran and a high fiber content.

  • Type 1 soft wheat flour: it is the tumbled Maiorca soft wheat flour, obtained by sieving type 2 flour, to remove up to 60% of bran; you get a flour less rich in fiber and lighter in color, but still quite rustic.