Pasta di legumi -en 2022-09-07T11:12:10+00:00



Chickpeas always represented, and still do, one of the most important and robust protein sources of vegetable origin.
Together with other legumes they were defined, in past centuries, “the meat of the poor”, to underline that chickpeas
were a source of nourishment accessible even to those who could not afford food of animal origin.

Today, more and more by choice, many people decide to feed exclusively on vegetables or in any case prefer them a
lot over meat of any kind. For these people and for all those who wish to experiment with new tastes and are looking for
a healthy, nourishing and protein-rich food, we decided to transform our chickpea flours into pasta. To best enhance
the organoleptic features of our flours we opted for the artisanal process, characterized by low temperatures and bronze drawing.

The chickpea pasta is produced in two different shapes using the two types of chickpea flour:

Caserecce di ceci bianchi

”Caserecce” of white chickpeas
Fusilli di ceci neri

”Fusilli” of black chickpeas